Friday, January 3, 2014

Photo Friday 2014 ~ Week 1

 It's back!  I took a break from Photo Friday last year, and while it was nice not having the weekly pressure of getting a good photo each week, I thought it was time to bring it back.  I miss looking back over the year and seeing each week's favorites.  I also missed the added challenge as well.  So, without further ado, I welcome you to my first post of Photo Friday for 2014!  I took these photos this past Saturday which is considered the current week in my self imposed rule book (the week's photos being any photos taken after Friday of the week prior).  If you are a newer reader of my blog, Photo Friday is a weekly project where I post my favorite photos of the week.  One year I tried a theme, but I find it harder to stick with it when I'm tied down to a theme, so I just pick whatever happens to be my favorite (or favorites-it's really hard to pick just one!) photo I took that week.  No cheating for me...I don't use old photos, they have to have been taken the week they are posted.  Oh, and the photos are usually of my kids...go figure.  They just usually end up being my favorites!

For Christmas Santa brought my girl a skimboard.  It's kinda like surfing, but not really.  It's hard to explain.  Here is a link to a youtube video that can show you what it is.  Basically you just skim over the shallow water at the edge of the shore.  My girl loves it!

 You have to throw your board and then run and jump on it.  Action shots are not really my specialty...I'm gonna have plenty of practice this year I bet because she always wants me to take pics and videos of her so she can see them.

She's pretty good...of course I do see her through my mommy goggles. ;)  We've never seen another girl do this at the beach, mostly just teenage boys, so I really do think with practice she'll be pretty good.

I really, really wish it hadn't been so cloudy that day.  I thought about photoshopping this a bit more, but I like my photos to be pretty true to life, and this is just the gray kind of day it was.  I'm hoping for blue skies and sunshine the next time we go.

 Just so he doesn't feel left out. :)  I like his freckles in this one.

Hopefully I'll be able to share some awesome photos with you all this year!  I think Photo Friday really does help me to grow as a photographer.  I'm looking forward to it!

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