Friday, August 17, 2012

Photo Friday 2012 ~ 33 ~

Friday sneaked up on me this week and I checked my camera this morning and realized I hadn't taken a single personal photo all week.  This always happens when I start to get busier on the professional side of things and I forget to pick up the camera and takes pictures of my own family.  So I just asked my girl if she would stand on our deck for just a minute so I could take her picture.  I think it was actually less than a minute since she was eager to go back in and watch her show.  But I take what I can get.  I am in love with her freckles lately and how brown her skin has gotten over the summer.  She has the teeniest freckles I have ever seen and they make her even more beautiful.  They fade over the winter and I miss them.  I tell my kids that their freckles taste like cinnamon.  A good excuse to kiss them as often as possible.

She was mad at me because I asked her to look over her shoulder and she said it makes her neck hurt.  But I love her eyes here.  The reflections in them make them look so multicolored!

Hopefully next week I'll remember to pick up the camera more and get some more candid shots too.  It's the last week of summer and I want to enjoy it as much as possible!

1 comment:

  1. Your certainly have a eye for detail
    She is stunning and her facial
    Expressions are are amazing


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